Collection: Strategy - Preparation or Review - 5-year cycle


Review of the current strategy or elaboration for a cycle of up to, normally, 5 years with identification of the crucial success factors, indicators - KPIs, eventual calculations and creation of Balance Score Cards, interaction with the marketing plan or sales and markets plan, portraying current scenarios and using industry understanding strategic analysis tools (SWOT-Michael Porter-Etc.). We carry out the elaboration and/or review of the strategy of a particular company, navigating the following main topics:

  • Competitive analysis - the company's performance is lower than the competitors;
  • Market analysis - Company's loss of market share – NEW ENTRANTS or current ones;
  • Mapping of risk exposure in order to confirm the appropriate options made;
  • Do lunch or be lunch” – Buy or sell companies. Analysis of business combinations and effects on future results, as well as the ideal platform for new perspectives (IPOs, stock exchanges, investments);
  • Assistance in designing the strategy for 1-5 year cycles;
  • Development of metrics and balanced score cards to measure results and drive continuous improvement.
  • Mission, vision and values ​​of the organization;
  • SWOT analysis;
  • Customer and market analysis;
  • Competition Analysis;
  • Strategic objectives;
  • Creation of the plan;
  • unfolding;
  • Financial analysis;
  • Alignment of the strategic, tactical and operational plan
  • Training in corporate governance, and monitoring of implementations and findings after the plan, evaluating its timely implementation and effectiveness.


If you just want to review the strategy with a focus on what could be implemented or improved, identifying suggestions for improvement through a diagnosis, send us an email to and we will get back to you about the shape of this product and relevant considerations to meet your needs.


  • Our executives have experience in participating as independent directors of boards of directors, and implementing committees such as audit and finance;
  • Development of codes of ethics and conduct;
  • Develop tools for management analysis;
  • Implement business intelligence department.;
  • Map key indexes for business monitoring;
  • Improve management reports with relevant information for decision;
  • Preparation or review of budgets;
  • Development of corporate performance indicators;
  • Preparation of executive compensation plans based on KPIs;
  • Mapping of risks and search or presentation of factor solutions;
  • Analysis of expenses - Expenses growing too much compared to the revenue generated;
  • Alignment between growth goals with innovation and product strategy;
  • Valuation without significant changes.